Google’s March 2023 Broad Core Update

On March 21st, 2023, Google released a broad core update that affected many websites' rankings in its search engine results pages (SERPs).

On March 21st, 2023, Google released a broad core update that affected many websites’ rankings in its search engine results pages (SERPs). The update was announced on Google’s Twitter account, as is customary with broad core updates. The announcement indicated that the update would take several weeks to roll out fully, and that it was intended to improve the quality of search results for users.

As with any broad core update, the March 2023 update caused some sites to experience significant changes in their rankings, both positive and negative. Some sites saw their traffic increase substantially, while others experienced a significant drop in traffic. The update was particularly impactful for sites that relied on low-quality or spammy tactics to rank in Google’s search results.

One of the primary focuses of the March 2023 update was to further improve the quality of search results by penalizing sites that used black hat tactics to manipulate search rankings. Google’s algorithm became more adept at detecting link schemes, keyword stuffing, and other spammy techniques that some sites use to try to rank higher in search results. Sites that engaged in these practices saw their rankings plummet, while sites that adhered to Google’s guidelines saw a boost in their rankings.

Another focus of the update was to provide more relevant and useful results for search queries. Google’s algorithm became more proficient at understanding the intent behind search queries, allowing it to provide better results for users. For example, if someone searches for “best vegan restaurants in Los Angeles,” Google is better equipped to understand that the user is looking for a list of restaurants that serve vegan food in Los Angeles. Sites that provided this type of information in a clear and concise way were rewarded with higher rankings in search results.

The March 2023 update also placed a greater emphasis on the quality of content on a website. Google’s algorithm became more adept at determining the quality of content on a site and assessing its relevance to search queries. Sites that provided high-quality, informative content that addressed user search queries saw an improvement in rankings. Conversely, sites that had low-quality, thin, or irrelevant content saw a drop in rankings.

Finally, the March 2023 update placed a greater emphasis on mobile-friendliness and page speed. With more and more people accessing the internet through mobile devices, it’s crucial that websites provide a smooth user experience on mobile devices. Google’s algorithm became more adept at assessing the mobile-friendliness of a site and the speed at which it loads. Sites that provided a fast and seamless experience on mobile devices saw an improvement in rankings, while sites that were slow or difficult to navigate on mobile devices saw a drop in rankings.

In conclusion, the March 2023 broad core update was a significant algorithmic change that affected many websites’ rankings in Google’s search results. The update was intended to improve the quality of search results for users by penalizing sites that engaged in black hat tactics, emphasizing the relevance and quality of content, and placing a greater emphasis on mobile-friendliness and page speed. As always, webmasters should continue to focus on providing high-quality, informative content and adhering to Google’s guidelines to ensure that their sites rank well in search results.

Tags: guide